WASHINGTON, D.C., July 26, 2017 – The AgriBank District Farm Credit Council (ADFCC) presented its 2017 Friend of Farm Credit Award to U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin.
Baldwin received the award for her important work on behalf of rural communities, agriculture and the Farm Credit System. ADFCC members are among more than 600 people in the nation’s capital to take part in Farm Credit Week in Washington. Participants are talking to members of Congress about issues important to farmers and ranchers in AgriBank’s Midwestern District.

“Senator Baldwin is a leader in the Senate when it comes to ensuring that rural communities are vibrant,” said Greg Nelson, a crop and cattle farmer in Spring Valley, Wis. and a board member of Compeer Financial, a Farm Credit lender. “Senator Baldwin understands the future of our rural towns depends on profitable farms and rural businesses, but also on a good quality of life in the community. Through her seat on the Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee, Senator Baldwin works to ensure funding for the Community Facilities Guarantee Loan Program that provides investments in critical facilities such as rural assisted-living centers, childcare centers, hospitals and other facilities. She has also long led efforts in Congress to ensure our dairy industry has a fair playing field, especially with respect to our Canadian neighbors.”
Farm Credit also announced the “One Mission. Many Voices.” campaign this week. During the next 18 months, the campaign will use the voices of Farm Credit customers, directors, employees, and others to tell policymakers about the many ways that Farm Credit helps farm families and rural communities across the country. (farmcreditvoices.com)
Farm Credit supports rural communities and agriculture with reliable, consistent credit and financial services, today and tomorrow. Farm Credit has been fulfilling its mission of helping rural America grow and thrive for a century by providing farmers with the capital they need to make their businesses successful and by financing vital infrastructure and communication services. For more information about Farm Credit, please visit www.farmcredit.com.
The AgriBank District Farm Credit Council represents Farm Credit farmers and ranchers in a 15-state area from Wyoming to Ohio and Minnesota to Arkansas. About half the nation’s cropland is located within the AgriBank District.