Financial Information

Financial Information
Recent Financial News
- AgriBank Reports Third Quarter 2024 Financial ResultsST. PAUL, Minn., November 7, 2024 – Today, St. Paul-based AgriBank announced financial results for the third quarter of 2024, with strong profitability, credit quality, and liquidity and capital. Highlights: “Amid a continued volatile interest rate environment, AgriBank is able to report another successful quarter with consistent profitability, credit quality, and liquidity… Read more: AgriBank Reports Third Quarter 2024 Financial Results
- AgriBank Names Brad Hoffelt Chief Financial OfficerST. PAUL, Minn., August 27, 2024 – Brad William Hoffelt has been named chief financial officer at AgriBank effective September 16 following a national search. Hoffelt has more than 25 years of experience in the financial services industry, including leading high-performing global finance organizations at U.S. Bank and GE. As CFO… Read more: AgriBank Names Brad Hoffelt Chief Financial Officer
Significant or Material Events
Notice: Brad Hoffelt Began Serving as AgriBank Chief Financial Officer Effective September 16, 2024; Barbara Stille Began Serving as AgriBank Chief Operations and Strategy Officer Effective November 1, 2024
Notice: Capitalization Provisions of AgriBank’s Bylaws Amended Effective January 1, 2024
Notice: AgriBank to Redeem Preferred Stock on January 1, 2024

Annual and Quarterly Reports

Annual and Quarterly Reports
AgriBank and AgriBank District
2020 Bank Annual Report*
Q3 2020 Bank Financial Report
Q2 2020 Bank Financial Report
Q1 2020 Bank Financial Report
*Our 2019 and 2020 Annual Reports excluded certain regulatory disclosures as described below and will not be re-issued: In addition to the principal occupations previously disclosed, Ms. Natalie Laackman, former AgriBank appointed board member, served in the following positions in the last five years: Vice President of Global Finance, PureCircle Ltd., a food manufacturing company in Chicago, Ill., acquired in 2020 by Ingredion, a multinational ingredient provider; and, Chief Financial Officer, Banner Service Corporation, a producer of precision turned, ground, and polished bar in Carol Stream, Ill. Ms. Laackman began serving as Chief Financial Officer, MedSpeed LLC, a healthcare logistics company in Elmhurst Ill., in 2021.
2019 Bank Annual Report1,3
Q3 2019 Bank Financial Report2
Q2 2019 Bank Financial Report2
Q1 2019 Bank Financial Report2
1Annual Report excluded the following regulatory disclosure and will not be re-issued: As of December 31, 2019, Mr. Dan Shaw, AgriBank Board member, serves on the Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation (Farmer Mac) Board, an agricultural secondary market real estate lending corporation, Washington, D.C.
2Quarterly Reports excluded the following regulatory disclosure and will not be re-issued: AgriBank Reports exclude information of District Associations. Unaudited combined AgriBank District financial information can be found in the “2019 District Financial Information” section of this page. Such information is not incorporated by reference into, and should not be a part of, these Quarterly Reports.
3Our 2019 and 2020 Annual Reports excluded certain regulatory disclosures as described below and will not be re-issued: In addition to the principal occupations previously disclosed, Ms. Natalie Laackman, former AgriBank appointed board member, served in the following positions in the last five years: Vice President of Global Finance, PureCircle Ltd., a food manufacturing company in Chicago, Ill., acquired in 2020 by Ingredion, a multinational ingredient provider; and, Chief Financial Officer, Banner Service Corporation, a producer of precision turned, ground, and polished bar in Carol Stream, Ill. Ms. Laackman began serving as Chief Financial Officer, MedSpeed LLC, a healthcare logistics company in Elmhurst Ill., in 2021.
Farm Credit Funding
The Federal Farm Credit Banks Funding Corporation raises funds through the sale of Farm Credit Systemwide debt securities (bonds and notes) in U.S. and global money markets. AgriBank uses those funds to provide funding to Farm Credit Associations, which provide financial products and services in their local marketplaces. Securities investors include commercial banks, corporations, insurance companies, investment advisers, money-market funds, municipalities, pension funds, states, and foreign banks and companies.
Financial Contacts
Jeff Moore
Chief Financial Officer
AgriBank Communications