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Farm Credit Announces Latest Grants to Support Western North Dakota Communities

ST. PAUL, Minn., September 23, 2020 — Farm Credit organizations in western North Dakota today announced 14 grants totaling $171,240 to worthy programs that will improve lives in local communities through the Rural Community Grant Fund. 

The fund was established as a partnership between Farm Credit Services of Mandan and Farm Credit Services of North Dakota – the two largest providers of agricultural loans in western North Dakota – and AgriBank Farm Credit Bank, their St. Paul, Minn.-based funding bank, to help communities impacted by mineral development. 

Grants support critical community needs such as healthcare, safety and emergency services.

The latest grants include:

  • $35,000 to Billings County EMS for ambulance equipment
  • $25,000 to Kenmare Rural Volunteer Fire Department towards a fire and rescue truck
  • $20,000 to Stanley Ambulance Service towards an ambulance
  • $20,000 to Donnybrook Rural Fire District towards a utility task vehicle and rescue equipment
  • $20,000 to Trinity Health Foundation towards defibrillators for Community Ambulance Service
  • $10,000 to Belfield Police Department for portable emergency radios
  • $10,000 to ABLE Inc. towards mobility transport vehicles
  • $10,000 to Mountrail County Medical Center towards a chemotherapy and infusion treatment room
  • $5,300 to Bottineau Rural Fire Department for fire hall equipment
  • $5,000 to CHI St. Alexius Health Williston Medical Center for a portable transport monitor
  • $5,000 to Burke County Emergency Management for sirens
  • $3,000 to Minot Commission on Aging Inc. for food service equipment
  • $2,090 to St. Luke’s Hospital for food service equipment
  • $850 to Prairie Grit Adaptive Sports for a mobility chair

The Rural Community Grant Fund is accepting applications for programs that meet the needs of local communities impacted by expanded mineral exploration and production in western North Dakota. Interested parties should apply at or by November 30, 2020. 


AgriBank is part of the customer-owned, nationwide Farm Credit System. Under Farm Credit’s cooperative structure, AgriBank is primarily owned by 14 local Farm Credit Associations, which provide financial products and services to rural communities and agriculture. AgriBank obtains funds and provides funding and financial solutions to those Associations. The AgriBank District covers a 15-state area stretching from Wyoming to Ohio and Minnesota to Arkansas. For more information, please visit


Farm Credit Services of North Dakota is a member-owned agricultural credit association providing loans to farmers and ranchers for real estate, machinery, livestock and operating needs. FCS of ND also offers life and disability and crop insurance to the rural community. FCS of ND serves 17 counties in northwest North Dakota through branch offices located in Minot, Bottineau, Carrington, Crosby, Rugby, and Williston, including Bowbells Crop Insurance (Bowbells), and Ward County Crop Insurance (Minot). For more information, visit


In addition to operating and real estate loans, Farm Credit Services of Mandan offers agribusiness financing, livestock and equipment loans, leasing services, tax, recordkeeping and payroll services, crop, forage and livestock insurance, life and disability insurance, and a cash patronage program. Farm Credit Services of Mandan is a member-owned agricultural financing cooperative that serves a twenty-county area in southwest North Dakota, with full-time offices in Beulah, Bowman, Carson, Dickinson, Mandan, Mott, Washburn, and Wishek. For more information, visit

Related Topic: Community